Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Display Advertisement Rates

Weekly advertising rates are based on $2.40 per column centimetre.
Monthly advertising rates are based on $3.30 per column centimetre.
Casual advertising rates are based on $4.40 per column centimetre.
Download our media kit from here.

Monthly Advertising Advantages

To become a monthly advertiser, all you have to agree is: take out (at the minimum) 12 advertisements within a 12-month period. There are no size restrictions. From there, depending on your business, we can offer:

  • Your business profile to be featured in our newspaper (subject to availability – please discuss with our advertising consultant).
  • The opportunity in having your advertisement appear in colour at reduced rates when the occasion arises.
  • The opportunity to participate in relevant features when the occasion arises, again at reduced rates.
  • FREE artwork design, or you can use your own artwork.
  • The opportunity to direct us in making your advertisements work for you.

Weekly Advertising Advantages

A weekly advertiser places an advertisement in the Tarrangower Times every week for twelve months.
We offer the same advantages as listed above for monthly advertisers, but at further reduced rates. A monthly advertiser pays $3.30 per column centimetre, while a weekly advertiser pays only $2.40 per column centimetre. A weekly advertiser also appears FREE on our website.

PLEASE NOTE: When you commence advertising with us, you are free to make changes to your advertisement whenever you wish.

Please contact Karen or phone 0404 357 556 to discuss your advertising needs.

Classified Advertising Rates

Up to 15 words - $15.00. Every word thereafter .60c. Add on $5.00 to include a photo or clip art.

Births, Deaths, Marriages, For Sale, Employment and many more can go in our classified section.
Please note: You can advertise your For Sale items under $200 for Free! Please contact Karen or phone 0404 357 556 for further information.

Deadline for Advertisements

Display and classified advertisements are required to be lodged by 12 noon Tuesday.
Colour advertisements by Monday 5pm.


If you wish to supply your own material for an advertisement to be made up, please send text in a Word document and supply graphics as a .jpg or .tiff in as high a resolution as possible.

If you are supplying a completed advertisement, please send as a .pdf file, or .eps file. Colour mode: CMYK.

PLEASE NOTE: Publisher files are not accepted.

Column widths

One Column = 3.94cm
Two Columns = 8.31cm
Three Columns = 12.68cm
Four Columns = 17.05cm
Five Columns = 21.42cm
Six Columns = 25.8cm

Colour Advertising Rates

Colour is available at an extra cost of $90.00. This rate is negotiable depending on other colour bookings.